Tag: medical canabis treatment

Eyes cancer care blogs

Legalization of Medical Cannabis

Legalization of Medical Cannabis

Contrary to popular assumption, the Therapeutic Goods Administration; TGA does not have a set list of diseases for which marijuana is approved. If you have tried traditional medications for your symptoms and they either did not completely control them or had side effects that are all that is required to assess your eligibility. Contrary to…
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Can CBD Oil Cause Eyes Redness or Dryness?

Can CBD Oil Cause Eyes Redness or Dryness?

When people think about cannabis, particularly marijuana, they frequently picture themselves with bloodshot eyes. This is especially true when discussing smoking. It is common for people who smoke marijuana to have red rings around their eyes, in addition to exhibiting features such as tiredness, exhilaration, and occasionally extreme appetite, often known as the munchies.  On…
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